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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Breast Augmentation and Re-shaping without Implants- Mastopexy or Implants?

Breasts come in all different shapes and sizes.  Breast enhancement surgery is meant to restore volume and projection.  You can sometimes have adequate volume but poor projection and appearance.  This patient seems to have enough volume but poor appearance and even asymmetry of the breasts.
We can improve this situation and it does not always have to involve the use of implants.  Implants are necessary when the patient has lost volume of breast tissue.  This patient underwent a breast lift and re-shaping using her existing volume.  In this case, she also has breasts that look different (asymmetry).
I used mastopexy techniques to re-shape her breasts without the need for implants.  The patient now has a more pleasing shape and contour with an improvement of her symmetry. The scars have healed well and they often do heal well, even in dark skinned patients.


  1. I have my Breast enhancement surgery booked with transform on the 21st november in stirling - scotland, so far they have been fantastic, i had my initial consultation and i was so pleased i booked straight away. I felt confident in my surgeon as we got on well and he was easy to talk to and ask questions.

  2. Natural breast enlargement pills are advertised on the Internet, television, and in women's magazines. Some of the ads focus on women's insecurities about their breasts, especially after childbirth, weight loss, and the removal of breast implants. breast actives
