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Monday, February 4, 2013

Is it Liposuction or Liposculpting? What am I getting?

Patients often ask me what is the difference between liposuction and liposculpting.  To me they are very different if you look at what we are really doing.

Liposuction is simply the removal of unwanted fat from a particular anatomic region.  Usually, these areas are resistant to diet and exercise.  If your skin elasticity is still well-maintained, then this is a great way to contour your body.  Here we are letting your body re-drape and contour.

Liposculpting is when we use liposuction to actually contour an area to our desired endpoint.  With liposculpting, I might liposuction an area, but not liposuction an area adjacent to that.  This means that the area that I left behind still has fat left.  This often leaves an area that you might call sculpted.  For instance, trying to create a six pack abdomen.  I might liposuction the inscriptions but the area above and below the inscriptions might not be suctioned.  Often I use liposculpting techniques during my tummy tuck procedures.  Some plastic surgeons might refer to this as etching.

In either case, these techniques give me the chance to be a sculptor.  I can carefully and artistically create an area that looks amazing!

When you come for your consult, be sure to ask these questions.


  1. Thanks for share this valuable post.It is very informative.Here i got information about difference between lipo suction and Lipo Sculpturing .liposuction is simply the removal of unnecessary fat from a specific body region.The liposculpting is that the body area that we left behind still it has some fat left.

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