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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mommy Makeover- The Restoration

Often I use the term 'frumpy' to describe the changes that pregnancy brings on both to the breasts and abdomen.  The tissue is loose, hanging, soft and redundant.  Often patients will say "I am not that bad and all I need is liposuction".

This sometimes is true, but in the end the outcome depends on your goal.  Liposuction might be fine if your skin elasticity allows it, but often I look at the patient, who is pictured on the left and describe her as 'frumpy'.

My goal is to contour and sculpt the patient so that they look the opposite of 'frumpy'.  This means restoring their tissue to make them tighter, sculpted and lifted to the original anatomic contour.  Believe it or not, the after photograph on the right is the same patient after her mommy makeover.  This included tummy tuck with lipo-sculpting and breast lift with a gel implant.  This patient has a restored self appearance and can feel confident that she can walk around in a bathing suit without any tell-tale signs of surgery.  This is the power of Mommy Makeover procedures.    

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for share this post.It is very informative. Here i got information about Lipo suction and also the frumpy.which is restoring their tissue to make them tighter,sculpted and lifted to original anatomic contour.
